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Human Resources Committee Meeting

Human Resources Committee Meeting

Thursday, May 11, 2023 (8:30 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)


HIA-LI Human Resources Committee

Thursday May 11th | 8:30 AM-10:00 AM

Talk Saves Lives for the Workplace - Mental Health Awareness Month

Opening Presentation by SHRM LI discussing their new Philanthropy Program for Employes

Presenation By: Ann Morrison - Long Island Area Director, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

 This presentation provides participants with the scope of the problem of suicide, key research findings, including risk factors and warning signs for suicide, along with recommendations for the role we can all play in suicide prevention.

Topics covered include:

Scope of the Problem: The latest data on suicide in the U.S. and worldwide

Research: Information from the latest suicide prevention research

Risk Factors and Warning Signs: Information on health, historical, and environmental factors that put individuals at risk for suicide along with suicide warning signs

Prevention: An understanding of the protective factors that lower suicide risk, and strategies for managing mental health and being proactive about self-care

What You Can Do: Guidance on how to get help for yourself or someone else in a suicidal crisis

Event Contact
Halle Grossman
Thursday, May 11, 2023 (8:30 AM - 10:00 AM) (EDT)
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